Look Good from Every Angle with Body Contouring

What You Need to Know About Fat Reduction from the Germain Dermatology Team for Charleston, SC

It’s not always as simple as hitting the gym and following a diet plan — and even if you lose weight, your body may not be as sculpted as you’d like. Even the fittest and most disciplined among us (including many of our own patients) have found that they sometimes need a little extra help to get their body where they want it to be. When it comes to body contouring, the Charleston, SC-based providers at Germain Dermatology have amassed extensive knowledge about how fat reduction in the body occurs — and whether CoolSculpting® can help you achieve those goals. Browse this section to learn more about: Browse this section to learn more about body fat classification, how CoolSculpting® works and if you are a candidate for treatment.

We would be happy to advise you further about how you might achieve your own personal body contouring goals. Our Summerville office serving Charleston, SC, and beyond can be reached online or by phone at 843-881-4440 to request a free, in—person consultation with one of our knowledgeable providers.